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Dwellingup Futures Implementation Advisory Committee

The Dwellingup Futures Roadmap (2021-2036) is a strategic document that describes the vision for Dwellinup's future, and a proposed pathway to achieve the community's aspirations.

Greater Dwellingup is experiencing a period of rapid change. To plan and manage for anticipated growth and balance the range of planning, economic, social and environmental issues, the Shire of Murray and Peel Development Commission established the Dwellingup Futures Implementation Advisory Committee. The Compact has representation on the Committee and aims to represent the community's wide values and views.


The Group's purpose is to support Greater Dwellingup's community and key stakeholders (including Government and industry) to work towards a shared vision where agreed priorities are recognised, understood and acted upon and differing points of view can be dealt with constructively.


For more information on the Dwellingup Futures Roadmap

Click here for Part I - Economic Development Scenario Assessment

Click here for Part II - Implementation Pathway

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