Dwellingup Adventure Trails
Dwellingup Adventure Trails is aimed to support the development of world-class trails and associated infrastructure with coordinated marketing and tourism initiatives. The project has received considerable funding from the Local, State and Federal Governments ans is overseen by a Steering Group which the Compact has representation on.
The Dwellingup Adventure Trails project is jointly managed by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) and the Shire of Murray. DBCA is coordinating the trail and infrastructure development and the Shire is coordinating the tourism and marketing.
The project is overseen by a Project Steering Group, with members from State Agencies, the Shire, Tourism WA and the Compact.
The project is expected to create many community benefits including, but limited to, world-class trails to grow and sustain the visitor economy, stimulate additional jobs and economies, business expansion opportunities and additional recreational activities.